Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The end of the year is upon us....a little 4th+ quarter update.
Speaking of nerdy stuff, I'm no longer in the Conference Center. I took a new job in the same hospital as a Technical Analyst in the IT&S department. I went from a private office on the 2nd floor of a relatively new tower to a cube in the basement devoid of any natural light. I am constantly surrounded by screens, computers, laptops and various gadgets and tech stuff that keeps me content and my mind constantly occupied. This is a VERY good thing. I basically sit in my cube and work trouble tickets that come in from various departments around the hospital. One thing that has become more clear to me than anything since I've been in IT is that the general populous of clinicians and clinical managers are fucking stupid. At least here they are. And when I say stupid I mean they know NOTHING beyond what is right in front of them. On top of all that they are all in an ass-kissing contest with our still-new CEO. It's disgusting but at least I don't have to subject myself directly to their world. I go in, do what I have to and then I'm gone. Most of my stuff can be done remotely as well.....BONUS. On top of that I can still listen to music and chat with Melissa....BONUS..BONUS!!!
I did start school this semester. It didn't go as well as I expected and pretty much bombed. I suck at math and couple that with starting a new position....well let's just say I had a meltdown and the semester is/was a bust. There is always next semester and I'm in no hurry to finish.
As I have immersed myself deeper into the IT world I realize that I should have worked harder to stay in it before. I went to culinary school and took a huge detour and learned some skills that will definitely benefit everyone around me. Was it worth the cost.....that is still to be decided. Am I much happier now...definitely. More-so in my new job than before. When I leave work I leave work at work. I don't get the random calls on Saturday mornings because the stupid breast feeding instructor can't learn how to turn shit on or calls from my Director telling me about her current ailment and why she can't come in to work. The only time I'll have to take a call after work is when my name falls in the on-call rotation. Then I'll actually be getting PAID for answering that call and for potentially having to go in to help someone.
I'm looking forward to 2011. I'm looking forward to spending another year with the woman I love more than myself and seeing what happens. We always have something planned or a goal we want to achieve. We have been thinking about a rent house after this lease is up, have a few other things planned for next year but beyond that I couldn't tell you. We tend to be spontaneous and I love that about us.
That's all I have. I hope those of you who read this (if anyone) have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Spend these last days of 2010 with those you love and who love you equally. Too often we cherish the tangible and take the intangible for granted. I'll be around.....
Friday, July 2, 2010
So a little update...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step
Yea, yea...OK that title was thuper ghey but I just couldn't think of anything else to title this blog post. It does, however, have a great deal to do with the goal I have set out for myself for this summer. We are planning a vacation in September where the beaches are vast, alcohol is flowing and clothes are limited. So here we go...
Everyone seems to have a goal for the summer and for some reason I had a hard time finding one for myself. I'm within about 20 or so pounds of my overall weight goal so I needed something to challenge myself. I love a challenge and I love learning something new. Before I begin explaining the torture I plan on putting myself through I need to take a moment and recognize a couple of people.
First, my lovely and beautiful wife. She has set out for herself a monthly goal for weight loss and I firmly believe she will accomplish it. I have the utmost faith in her and her abilities and her tenacity is one of her many endearing qualities which I love.
Second, my Dad. Christ on a cracker this man never ceases to amaze me. 61 years old and about 8 weeks ago he put down the cigarettes. After 10 years of smoking he just dropped them. No question, no self bargaining to slow down. He just quit. Now he has a goal to lose about 20lbs by the time our September vacay rolls around.
This brings me to my goal for the summer. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to push myself to do and then it hit me yesterday during my workout:
I VOW TO RUN/WALK AT LEAST 150 MILES BETWEEN NOW AND THE TIME SEPTEMBER 23RD ROLLS AROUND. must be asking yourself "When did Thomas start running?" I have been attempting to increase my running capabilities pretty steady-like over the last few weeks. I have a trail mapped out thanks to a biking/running trail built by the city:
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Hello, my name is Thomas and I'm an addict...
In all seriousness I drink way too many of them. Monster, Red Bull and Venom are my poisons of choice. Unfortunately 2 of them are CONSTANTLY at my disposal as they are sold here at work and for much less than my local QT or Race Trac does. To make matters worse is I get $6 each day allotted to me for food by my department. Now, let me make one thing very clear: I do eat and I do not squander my per Diem on energy drinks. I do, however, use some of that allowance to buy one. That being said, I looked in my car which doubles as a trash can and noticed the carnage of spent cans in the back. It's pure aluminum carnage and some cans are crushed most likely as a result of the "monster" strength I got from chugging a can. Yea I know....don't crush my dreams. The can has a small label "warning" on it that says not to consume more than 3 cans each day. There have been days in the past where I have had more than 3 so I hope that's a polite suggestion and not a precursor warning of imminent death or coronary explosion. I felt OK afterward.....a little jittery and was playing with knives but I was fine.
Since I am of the analytical, aka. nerd, mind let's dissect the components of a typical 16oz can of green Monster shall we? First off you see the green trademarked "M" logo where it's obvious that a huge beast of a person has scratched his way through sheer aluminum. OK...I'm sold. Blog post done. KIDDING!! The next thing you see is "ENERGY". Hey, I need energy, there is energy in this can. If I consume the drink I can have energy too. FUCKING SWEEEET!! WWWRRRRRRAAAARRRRRRR!!! Oh wait...there is some strange "extra" stuff in my can of liquid fuck-off. Let's dig deeper into them and see what's up:
Straight jacked from Wiki:
TAURINE- Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is an organic acid. It is a major constituent of bile and can be found in the lower intestineand, in small amounts, in the tissues of many animals, including humans.Taurine is a derivative of the sulfur-containing (sulfhydryl) amino acid cysteine. Taurine is one of the few known naturally occurring sulfonic acids.
Despite being present in many energy foods, taurine has not been proven to be energy-giving. FUCK!!!!
Taurine is regularly used as an ingredient in energy drinks, with many containing 1000mg per serving, and some as much as 2000mg. A 2003 study by the European Food Safety Authority found no adverse effects for up to 1,000 mg of Taurine per kilogram of bodyweight per day; however this was in regards to Taurine alone, noting they did not compare the effects of Taurine when combined with the other ingredients in energy drinks.
A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks, concluding that "The amounts of guarana, taurine, and ginseng found in popular energy drinks are far below the amounts expected to deliver either therapeutic benefits or adverse events".
OK, so we can derrive from my snippets that Taurine is pretty useless on it's own but let's keep on trucking cause there is more.
L-Carnitine- is a quaternary ammonium compound biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. In living cells, it is required for the transport of fatty acids from the cytosol into the mitochondria during the breakdown of lipids (or fats) for the generation of metabolic energy. It is often sold as a nutritional supplement. Carnitine was originally found as a growth factor for mealworms and labeled vitamin Bt.
Is your head spinning yet?? There's more:
As a weight loss supplement
"Although L-carnitine has been marketed as a weight loss supplement, there is no scientific evidence to show that it improves weight loss, however some studies show that oral carnitine reduces fat mass, increases muscle mass, and reduces fatigue. All of these effects may contribute to weight loss."
Regular supplements of L-carnitine, however, contribute to energy metabolism and improved neurotransmitter function in the brain in elderly.
Well...that's promising, right? BUT WAIT!!! THERE'S MORE!!!
This stuff has some other things in it too like Ginseng root used for many things in the Asian culture for centuries like treatment for Type II diabetes, as an aphrodisiac and for sexual dysfunction. As my smoking hot wife will tell you I got no problems in the dysfunction part. Giggity.
Guarana...ahhhh this little climbing plant produces a bean that is harvested. Now you java junkies think you got the low down of caffeine?? You got nothing on this little gem. One bean contains TWICE (2x) the caffeine found in your typical coffee bean. BOOOOOM!! What some may not know is that naturally occurring caffeine is actually a defense mechanism to keep the bugs away from the fruit of the plant. Being humans we have once again pilfered nature for our own personal gains and because I need my caffeine before I kill someone in a bloody raging fit because I haven't had my FIX GODDAMNIT!!!! But I digress...
Most people think Americans got the juice when it comes to energy drinks, strong coffee and sodas but the Brazilians have soft drinks(pop, coke, soda) that is made with guarana and supposedly these sweet Baby Jesus-sent cans of love give American sodas and energy drinks the dirty middle finger when it comes to zip-zoom.
Ok, ok so what am I getting at with all my Monster induced rambling? It goes back to what I have said all along.....moderation. Aside from energy drinks having a sleu of questionable chemicals, sugar, rocket fuel, gun powder and maybe trace amounts nuclear over run they are filled with empty calories. One 16oz can has 2 servings at 100 calories per serving....200 per can....drink one a day and that is 1000 extra empty calories per work week. Ouch. I'll make you all a promise: You find one thing you love and back off by half and I'll cut my energy drink consumption down to 2 per
Pardon me, I need to go mainline another can first.
I'll leave you with some parting thoughts as I setup my Monster IV:
Thursday, May 6, 2010
So..what's been happening?
Melissa and I did attend the "Live Green Expo" recently in Richardson. It was a hippy hemp fest to a point but found it rather bland for our lifestyle because we are not home owners. Most of the booths and vendors were geared to those who are not apartment dwellers. Living in an apartment does not lend itself well to composting, solar panel installation or gardening on a large enough scale to eliminate grocery store visits. We did see some of the other local Farmer's Markets other than the Dallas market which was cool. We stumbled on a one called Newflower Farmer's Market in Plano. This place is cool. Lots of fresh veggies and more organic stuff than you can shake a hippie at. We were both impressed at the quality and flavor of the organic foods we bought. First thing we noticed....most of the organics are smaller in physical size but the flavor is amazing. For example, we eat lettuce, Romaine to be exact and have been buying packs from Wal-Mart or Sam's Club and it has just been regular lettuce and what we have expected. Then we decided to try the organic Romaine and was blown away with how flavorful it was in comparison. The texture was different, it had less water and more flavor. We found that with other things too like bananas and red onions. Now as Americans we have been trained to think "bigger is better" but in this case not so much. Also, I only cook for 2 people. Size of the veggies doesn't really matter. I make a ton of veggies every dinner and we always seems to have enough. What really gets me is the price. They use LESS or NOTHING extra to make this thing grow yet you grow it smaller AND charge me more? It seems produce is not immune to fancy marketing. It is more expensive but after a while you get used to it but there is still a part of you that thinks "Damn, I can get a 3-pack of Romaine at Wal-Mart with heads twice that size for half the price." It's a tough mental challenge to overcome no doubt.
Is organic more healthy? Is it worth the price? Can I continue to buy organic just on taste alone? Am I really helping a local farmer? Am I just conforming to another trend? How does buying more expensive organic produce help me? Can I afford it? Am I doing nothing more than helping large produce growers get richer by buying what THEY claim is organic? Am I the victim of fancy marketing? WHAT IS IN IT FOR ME???
Those are all the questions that swim in my head when we buy organics. Most of them I can't answer with 100% confidence. My culinary training tells me to buy the best to cook with because it will produce the best outcome. Meh...sometimes that's the case and sometimes not. Flavor is such a subjective thing. I buy store brand olive oil as an example. Tastes great, still first cold pressing of the olives but $3 less per bottle than Colavita. I'm still not convinced that organics are healthier or better. They taste great but beyond that I couldn't tell you.
Again, it boils down to this: Buy healthy and buy what you can afford. Stay away from crap, exercise and be active. If you can't buy an organic cucumber then buy the regular one. Just make sure you buy one. Vote with your wallet and vote as often as possible. Voting has been the way making decisions in this country for hundreds of years but for some reason we choose to not use the one thing that speaks louder than a voice, a ballot or a campaign......our money.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It's been a few weeks since my mental breakdown so I figured it was time for an update:
The results from my Doctor appointments, blood tests and physical came in finally. Over a week of waiting and a little self-induced agony I found out that nothing is wrong. Nope, not a damn thing. My heart is good, lungs sound great (and I smoke), I have the cholesterol levels that prove I stay clear of crap food, my testosterone levels are normal and most importantly my thyroid levels are normal. I can't say that I'm entirely surprised by this. I knew everything was normal and functioning like it should. It's possible I let the mental aspect of my plateau get in the way of being as productive as I could be. As a result I caused Melissa to worry and probably had her head spinning about a number of other things that could be wrong. I also let a side of me show in my last post that I haven't seen in a very long time. I thought that part of me was long gone but it re-surfaced. For these things I apologize. I was a little out of my head and wasn't sure what to do. I know differently now. I know that no matter what is wrong I have someone I can talk to about anything. In the past it hasn't been so easy and I'm glad things are different now.
Now that the appointments are done, got my physical and had my hysterical break down it's time to figure out exactly where to go from here. The only logical thing that makes sense is to just keep going and keep plugging at it. Funny doctor said to me "You know, Thomas, sometimes you can't fight genetics. It's possible you were predetermined to be 212lbs and have a little gut." I looked at him like he second nose growing out of his eyeball. That is a statement I just cannot accept. We are all the products of our environment. Genetics predetermine things like hair color, eye color and such but I find it hard to believe that my genetics state I should have the perpetual beer gut when I don't drink that much beer. Sorry, thanks for playing.
I digress. Back to the issue at hand: What to do now? I think I may have the answer although it's not what I want. I obviously need to work harder in the gym and get back to doing more cardio. I'll admit I've slipped in that area. Also, I'm dialing back my carb intake. I started to analyze my carb consumption and realized I was not doing as well as I thought. Yes, I have been eating brown rice, wheat pasta and wheat bread regularly because they are better for you but I have been eating more than I should. When it boils down to it carbs are carbs are carbs. Good carbs or bad they can work against you. It seems like this is what has happened.
I have been eating way more than my fair share of yummy brown rice and wheat pasta and my carb count was, best guess, much more than what I was eating last summer when i had a decent amount of weight loss. Essentially what I have been doing is working out just enough to work off what I was eating. Thus my calories out were equal or less than calories in. Let's remember that weight loss= more calories out than in.
So there it is. I'm not sick, I'm not chemically imbalanced (although moral majority opinions vary) and I'm not necessarily doing anything wrong. I guess I just got lazy. I had nothing to work for or towards like I did last year. So that is where the next part of the challenge begins. The challenge being that I continue to lose. In my case I consider any loss an absolute win.
Monday, March 15, 2010
The hate in me...
I'm frustrated at my energy levels and my general apathy to even thinking about they gym. What's the point? I'm not getting anywhere and I am no closer to reaching my goal weight than I was when this year started. Busting ass to stay the same is not what I had in mind when I started this trek. People I talk to say "You look great! I can't believe you want to lose more." or "You know they say the last few pounds are the hardest to get rid of." Well, I don't know who "they" are and why "they" say that but fuck 'em cause they are wrong. I still have a gut and man boobs I can't get rid of and it literally pisses me off.
Right now I'm sitting at 212lbs. Granted that is a far cry from the 240lbs I was at but it has taken me a year or more to shed that. I still see myself as a fatty. My goal is 190lbs and it is within my reach. I don't eat crap, I stay away from refined sugars, I work out almost every week day and I still see no improvement. I have contemplated some very drastic things to accelerate my metabolism and none of them are good or healthy and most have a potential for even worse side effects. I take a stack right now but it just seems to keep me level, keeps my energy at a point I can function, not do more or work harder but just function.
To make matters worse...well not worse but definitely different is that Melissa has started on a medication that is giving her loads of lost energy due to it regulating her tyroid production. I, unfortunately, am still waiting on my test results and subsiquent doctors appointment where I hope a resolution can be found.
Admittedly it has caused a little depression. This is not me. I'm the happiest person I know. I have an absolutely perfect wife and perfect marriage but this stuggle is driving me insane. It's affected me in ways that I never thought of and I hope I can eventually explain it to the one I love. When you go to Poncho's Mexican Buffet you raise the flag for flag has been missing. I know people read this who are close to Melissa and frankly I don't care who sees it. Its a real thing, its embarassing and it just adds insult to injury so to speak. I want it to stop.
That's all I have to say. I hate myself right now.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Let's talk turkey....
Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - Hungry For Change? - Trailer and Photos
Watching this movie opened my eyes to a "world behind the world" of the manufacturing and processing of a lot of the major things we eat daily. I've always had an idea that the processing of food is not a pretty business. Let's face it, most of us don't WANT to know where our food comes from. We just want it to be there when we are hungry. I read a lot of books in Culinary school, both by choice and force, about the industry I was jumping into. I wanted to learn as much as I could about all aspects of the food business because ultimately I thought it would make me more marketable and desirable for jobs. What I found out while reading is that the business as a whole is dirty. There are working conditions in food processing plants that wouldn't be acceptable in 3rd world countries but yet we allow it here. Undocumented workers along with falsified FDA, OSHA and USDA records. Human body parts cut off by equipment or machines moving too fast for the workers to keep up or the worker cutting off their own finger in the process. All of this stuff has or is currently happening. In their defense the conditions have improved greatly over the past 25 years but it's still not optimum. The ONLY thing all these companies are concerned about is growing it faster, growing it bigger, harvesting it cheaper, selling it cheaper to be produced, producing it faster and selling it at the maximum profit margin possible.
"Woa, bro, whoa...whoa. How the hell do they know what kind of chicken wings I like and when to put them on sale?"
What a fan-damn-tastic question. I'll tell you. The answer is...YOU! They know what you like, how you like it, what brand you like and how often you buy it. Every time you go to the grocery store and an item you buy is scanned they got you. On June 26, 1974 the VERY first item was scanned and logged by a barcode reader: a 10 pack of Wrigley's gum. In the beginning it was a benign concept: make getting in and out of the grocery store quicker, let's save our checkers from carpel tunnel syndrome and "enhance" the drudgery of grocery shopping with some technology to make life simple. Behind the veil of the innocuous barcode scanner lies a horde of information being gathered such as: Product name, brand name or generic, date/time, coupon used, frequency purchased, quantity at any given time sold, on sale or not and even if the purchase was made with cash or credit card. They know EVERYTHING about that purchase. Granted this information is incredibly useful to the store directly and will ultimately affect the amount of inventory delivered. But let's follow the trail a little further. The item is scanned, info obtained, inventory levels adjusted, orders placed, distributors notified and their inventory adjusted, producer/manufacturer notified to produce more, farmers told to increase yield to deliver to manufacturing plant. Thousands of people across the country affected by YOU buying ONE bag of chicken wings. Amazing, huh?
There lies the rub. You making that purchase is what has caused overproduction and adulteration of our food supply. Because of the poor eating habits over the last 30-40 years it has caused higher levels of artificial chemicals to be used to produce a bigger tomato, larger chicken, bigger cattle and everything else that we have wanted "supersized". Hormones, antibiotics, gene therapy and even gene splicing have been used by companies to try and produce a and more profitable product. That is what it comes down The almighty dollar bill. Everyone wants to make a cheaper and more profitable product. At the same time they want to pay the lowest possible wage, skirt regulations when they can and produce that product as quick as possible. I gotta admit it makes good business sense but the process has bastardized the food and ultimately we suffer for it.
We suffer for in our healthcare costs. We suffer for it in our bank accounts. Your children suffer for it with their immune systems. Kids are maturing quicker these days and it is blatantly obvious. How many 15 year old girls did you see 15 years ago will a full C cup breasts? How many do you see now? Yep....I see a lot more. How many kids over the last 10 years have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD and subsequently prescribed a medication to combat it? Now, take all that info and think REALLY hard about how food tastes have changed and how much more access kids have to fast food with high amounts of fat, sugar, sodium and a host of other chemicals I can't pronounce. Coincidence....possibly but the argument could be made.
I'll use myself as an example. This whole time I have been writing this post I have been sipping on my favorite drink: Diet Dr Pepper. Ok, ok it's not my favorite but since I'm cutting calories and need caffeine I drink it. OK....ok I know I don't need caffeine but I'm gonna drink it so STFU. Anyway....I'm looking at the ingredient list and it is as follows word for word:
Carbonated water, Caramel coloring, Aspartame, Phosphoric acid, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Sodium Benzonate (preservative), Caffeine, Phenylketonurids: Contains Phenylalanine
I bolded what was bolded on the can. WTF is this? I had to Google it. Here is what Wiki says:
"Phenylalanine (abbreviated as Phe or F)[1] is an α-amino acid with the formula HO2CCH(NH2)CH2C6H5. This essential amino acid is classified as nonpolar because of the hydrophobic nature of the benzyl side chain. L-Phenylalanine (LPA) is an electrically-neutral amino acid, one of the twenty common amino acids used to biochemically form proteins, coded for by DNA. The codons for L-phenylalanine are UUU and UUC. Phenylalanine is structurally closely related to dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline) and tyrosine.
Phenylalanine is found naturally in the breast milk of mammals. It is used in the manufacture of food and drink products and sold as a nutritional supplement for its reputed analgesic and antidepressant effects. It is a direct precursor to the neuromodulator phenylethylamine, a commonly used dietary supplement." my Diet DP has an antidepressant added to it??!!!
It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Aspartame, which is the scientific term for Sweet-n-Low, is the main sweetening agent found in a ton of diet drinks. Aspartame is not known for making you feel better and giving you the "boost" you might look for if you were to drink a non-diet soda that contains high fructose corn syrup. So the Soda Nerds at Dr Pepper found a naturally occurring essential amino acid, isolated it and added it to your favorite diet soda. Now you get the same euphoric and "uplifting feeling" that you get when you drink a non-diet soda. Clever little nerds aren't they?
I could go on and on all day about this and bore you to tears while at the same time making you scared about everything you put in your mouth. So you might be asking yourself "What can I do about this? It's Big Business. I can't fight big business." Here is what you can do:
Don't let Big Business have your money if you don't want to. We, as consumers, have the choice. We always have. That choice has NEVER been taken away from us but we have been "trained" to believe that quicker and cheaper is better because Big Business is JUST as concerned about your wallet as you are. I am not naive to the fact there are common things that we have to have daily to survive. The point I'm trying to make is that you have a choice as to where you buy your food. Every time you give "them" your money you are supporting their efforts to continue to market crap to you, your family and your children. Support your local farmers and growers. Shop at a local Farmers Market once a week. Choose meat and poultry that comes from a farm that grass feeds the cows and let's the chickens at least run semi-free. Trust me, I know it costs more and, again, the wallet talks more in many cases but I can guarantee you that making better food choices and exercise 2-3 times a week you WILL feel better, lessen your doctor visits and SAVE you money. That is all the science you need in your meal. Save the chemistry for science class because it doesn't belong at the dinner table.
Some useful links and information:
Monday, February 8, 2010
Who stole my January?
Now that I think about it that's exactly what January was a busy ass month. Flipped the New Year, new decade, went on a cruise, moved to an awesome new place and basically stayed busy the whole month. My job has been hectic and unusually stressful not to mention moving for the first time with Melissa posed it's own set of challenges. We made it though in fine form though. Minimal headaches and only a small amount of hurt feelings but who in reality makes it through a move without lashing out once or twice? Exaclty.
My job has been weighing heavy on me too. Scheduling, catering, multiple Directors on my ass, my immediate boss being a downright idiot and a general feeling of emotional weight pushing me down. It's been tough to deal with and working out is the last thing I have been thinking of. My internal Feng Shui has been way off.
Am I making excuses?'s debatable. Did I have opportunities to go? Sure did. Did I pass on them? Yup. Sometimes you have to let life get in the way in order to make progress towards a goal. Sometimes you cannot "force" things to happen the way you want them to. Trust me, I've tried. I tried in the Culinary industry. Tried my hardest to be the best cook in the kitchen, get noticed, have the best ideas, best work eithic, be faster than the others. Then I let go and let things happen as they were supposed to and now I'm not in the kitchen anymore hence being able to write this blog at 11am on a Monday.
All that shit brings me to the point of this particular entry: Let things happen as they must. How many times have you tried your damndest to make things work they way they were supposed to and they didn't and the end result was less than palatable?? It happens with working out. Remember me saying that we don't live the Biggest Loser lifestyle? This is what I meant. If life is getting in the way and your personal "schedule of comfort" is all fucked up then it is pointless to try and force yourself to endure the gym. Yea I know it goes against the grain of what everyone says but in my opinion in order to make the body healthy then the mind must be healthy as well.
Mental well being has been proven to be a huge factor in being healthy overall. Just look at any morbidly obese person who looks unhealthy and acts unhealthy. They look lost, depressesed, vapid facial expressions are the norm, thereis no ray of sunshine, nothing to look forward to and they carry their black cloud with them everywhere they go. Once again, take The Biggest Loser as a prime example. Those people are so down on themselves that their brain chemistry has changed to alter their thought patterns and emotional state of mind. They harbor guilt, depression, personal loss, low self esteem, lonliness and anger for things you and I can't imagine. They have eaten their emotions and gone back for seconds. All of this has changed them into people they don't want to be but have no idea how to change back because somewhere in the shuffle they lost their own identities.
So if you are still with me then let me try and wrap this in a nutshell: If your world turns upside down then relieve some of your mental stess and don't hang your gym time over your head. It can hurt you more than help you. Get focused, find your comfort pattern again and then get back in the gym. Just remember not to lose focus of your goals and what you want to achieve but at the same time keep in mind that mental health is just as important as physical health.
Monday, January 4, 2010
7. Most importantly...DON'T MAKE EXCUSES...DON'T MAKE EXCUSES...DON'T MAKE EXCUSES. If your family complains about you not being there as much or your hubby is pissed cause you forgot to bring home some Lone Star Light then tell them to either shut up or get their fat asses up and join you.
I leave you with a video full of inspiration. If this doesn't make you feel like shit for every reason you have given not to change your life then enjoy your early grave.